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Canadian Pay & Benefits Consulting Group Inc.

Canadian Pay & Benefits Consulting Group Inc. provides consulting services in Pay Equity compliance and a wide range of human resources areas with our practical solutions and extensive experience in assisting our clients to achieve positive results to challenging workplaces issues.

Why engage our services?
The insightfulness, depth and expertise tailored to your specific needs are a key to your success in business today. Our knowledge and experience provide almost instant results covering a broad range of workplace issues such as compensation, pay, salaries, employment, recruitment, pay equity and resolution of potential liabilities arising from Pay Equity compliance challenges.

We believe in the value that our functions add to a business. We feel that this specialist part of HR is often unrecognised for its contribution to the profitability and success of a business.

  • 66 Companies We Helped

  • 12 Pay Equity Compliance

  • 10 HR Services

  • 125 Workshops & Seminars

Canadian Pay & Benefits Consulting Group Inc.


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